5 Tips to Improve Your Blog

5 Tips to Improve Your Blogs Your blog is the way you keep yourself and your business relevant. Writing tips like these or news updates about your product or business keep your website fresh. Depending on how often you update your blog, it can be hard to keep coming up with ideas or subjects that relate to your business. There are a few different ways to keep your blog fresh.

  • Utilize your knowledge. You’ve spent so much time investing and learning about your product and business. There’s no way to instantly get followers and readers, but guaranteed people will be more interested if you start focusing on the things you know a lot about. Pick smaller subjects you know a lot about within your business and write a couple blog posts about those.
  • Be original. It sounds silly, but don’t write to a certain formula. Write how you would talk. It doesn’t need to be formal. In fact, the more formal, the less interested people may be. Find your own voice in your writing and own it.
  • Include pictures. Images, images, images! People love images and don’t so much like words. Give the people something to look at in every post. Whether it’s a picture, a graph, a chart, a diagram… Make sure there’s something visually appealing about what you’re posting.
  • Provide eye rests. Whether that’s a list, a bold sentence, or an image, create a place where people aren’t just reading huge blocks of text. If you don’t have lists or bold print, people are much less likely to read your entire post.
  • Don’t focus on the money. Don’t just blog because you have to, blog because you want to. Talk to your audience as if you’re in the same room, chatting about a topic rather than writing a formal essay for SEO purposes.

If you are looking to improve your blog or want more blog tips, contact Red Mallard today. We’re always open to helping you improve your blogging and internet image.

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