You get hundreds a day, and probably 70-80% are spam. Once upon a time, it seemed email was useful, but now it seems more like it’s just sorting through the junk. As a small business, though, you need to be sending out regular emails for marketing, right? So how do you make sure your emails don’t get lost in the crowd of your recipients? Below are a few tips on how to successfully use emails to reach customers and keep them reading.
One size doesn’t fit all. What one of your clients wants to read is not necessarily what everyone wants to read. If you can segment your newsletter and only provide readers with the information relevant to them, you’re more likely to get clicks. Let subscribers pick the information they receive when they first sign up by allowing them to segment themselves based on what their interests and affiliations. For example, you might send out different information for employees than to potential customers, or you might send out different information based on location.
Don’t get lost in their inbox. Think about your inbox and how many unread emails are waiting. Now imagine that each of your clients’ inboxes are equally as cluttered… because they probably are. The goal is quick and painless reading. Text should be broken up and images should be clear. Let readers know what they’re about to read by using headlines and always abide by the “read more” rule—if one of your articles or news pieces is long, let the reader decide if they want to read more by linking to the rest.
Be punctual. Even the greatest newsletter will fall by the wayside if it isn’t released on a consistent and timely schedule. If you’re getting people hooked with great content, make sure it’s on a set timetable. Otherwise your newsletter is about to get lost in the confines of the spam folder or another cluttered inbox.
Sharing is caring. Creating a great email newsletter is all well and good, but if you don’t make your content easily shared, then the only people who will get it are those on your mailing list. Increase your reach by adding Facebook and Twitter links for your subscribers to share. And make sure the the newsletter is available elsewhere, like your company website, for non-subscribers to read (and hopefully sign up!)
Need help crafting the perfect email? Call Red Mallard for a consultation.