There are so many blog posts out there with tips on how to make your blog better. Update frequently, get ideas from your readers, give stuff away, share knowledge. Not all of these tips are terrible, but there are a few tips that need to be clarified when trying to write a good blog post.

Visit all other blogs and comment on everything. Giving traffic does not mean getting traffic. And by this, we mean going to a million other blogs and “liking” and commenting on their posts for the sole purpose of bringing people to your own blog. Commenting on others’ posts is encouraged, because it creates discussion and lets a writer know you’re picking up what they’re putting down. But a “FOLLOW MY BLOG” post is only going to irritate the writer and the people leaving serious comments.

Give away lots of things for more followers. Hosting giveaways won’t boost your follower count, especially if you require them to follow 17 different social media accounts (and don’t try to trick us because we’ll definitely check!) and repost a picture and tag you in the post… all for one entry. It’s a lot of hassle, and half the time you can’t ship internationally or the prize isn’t worth it. A giveaway can help on occasion to bring in business, but don’t make your clients jump through a million hoops to enter.

Blog every single day. Blogging every day might keep your blog at the top of the “recently updated” list, but it doesn’t give your readers time to actually read and take in everything you’re saying. Your content will be overlooked and won’t actually bring more business to your site.

Require an email subscription before they can read your blog. In theory, this would be great. You’d get so many more email subscribers, right? Wrong. It’s the 21st century, and people hate spam. If someone comes across your blog and is forced to sign up for something, they’re all-too likely to just close out of the page. Then not only are you losing page traffic, but website traffic.

At Red Mallard, we aim to get your website and blog the most traffic possible. For more information on how we can do this, contact us.

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