We admit, the industrial sector isn’t the only one that will win with an excellent, user-friendly website—but we have a soft spot in our little duck hearts for you. Red Mallard has a handful of current and past clients who otherwise assumed an outdated website didn’t matter, that have since learned and seen the fruit of bringing it up to date (even our friends who are rocking construction).

So, if you’re rocking the industrial world, how will a website face-lift or total update create a big ripple in your business? 

Is your Blog Collecting Dust?

The benefits of housing a blog—that’s refreshed with new content consistently—are far and wide. Here, potential customers can have their burning questions answered (which builds trust), get to know your company’s values or people (which builds confidence and awareness), and overall finds value from your business. There’s no shortage of companies to choose from in the industrial and construction world. But not all of these businesses go the extra mile to provide value.

Do you know what happens when current and prospective customers are satisfied? “Big brother” (Google) watches, learns, and moves you a little bit closer to the first page of results when people search. Now, much more goes into ranking than putting content on the blog, but it’s the first step.

And you need to take it because blogs don’t only make your website better—they genuinely help you to win on all fronts.

  • Businesses with an updated blog gain twice as much email traffic.
  • People will spend three times as much time reading your blog as they will email.
  • Blog content is easy to separate, creating multiple micro-content options to post on social media.

Give Video the Attention it Deserves

We have a few friends over at First Packaging Solutions, whose business revolves around providing top-notch wrapping machinery and materials. In the bubble-wrap market, there’s no shortage of products, some even at your local drugstore.

But what the drugstore on the corner doesn’t have, that First Packaging does, are web pages with videos showing people why they need them as a solution. This is true of most businesses in the industrial and construction industry—they have something familiar to offer. Still, underneath it, all are unique aspects that make their company or product rise above the rest.

We’re all sick of the “p-word,” but the pandemic has only emphasized the need for video content. Consider these:

  • Adding video to email marketing can create a 200-300% increase in click-through rates
  • 74% of people say video is more effective than blog posts for lead generation; and
  • Frankly, Google cares about video—we always recommend scoring some “brownie points” with them

Thermal Vac is another prime example of making their business interesting through video. 

A Place to Show Off your Work

Finally, there’s no shame in showcasing your accomplishments. Burge Construction is well-versed in nearly every avenue of contracting work, and its website makes sure to let people know that they can do it all.

Burge Construction uploads past projects to their archive, unlike many other Southern California contractors. If you’re not sure whether or not this is the company for you, pages like these are heavy-lifters in placing confidence into prospects.

We Want you to Win

Red Mallard is especially excited about the industrial and construction sector. If you’re ready to win with your website, contact us today. Our creative insight, paired with your industry expertise, can create something rad.

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