Email Blasts are a very effective way to stay in touch with your customers. Whether you are looking to generate repeat business or convert potential customers who might still be on the fence with your brand, email campaigns are a great way to communicate long-form marketing messages directly to customers in a way social media can’t match.

Here, we will discuss some vital strategies you will want to implement when creating an email blast for your mailing list. These elements will help your emails get opened more often, which can generate more leads.

Strategize It
Before you even start writing your email, you must ask yourself why you are sending it. What is the ultimate purpose of the email blast? Why should your customers care about the information contained within the message? What is the best possible end result after someone reads it? If you can predetermine the strategic purpose of the email and tap into the readers’ mindset, you will have a much more effective email.

Balance Text and Pictures
Many companies make the mistake of sending email blasts with either too many pictures or way too much text. What you want is a nice balance of both. Break up long sections of text with pictures and graphics. Use subheads strategically. The email should flow visually and the content and imagery must be engaging. Otherwise, people won’t take the time to read through it.

Include Contact Information and/or a Call to Action
This comes back to the original question of what your ultimate goal for the email blast is. What is the action step you want the customer to take after reading the email? By including your contact information and/or a call to action, you will help facilitate this next step. Ultimately, the objective is usually to further the conversation between you and your customers. Another good tip is to include some sort of call to action “above the fold” in the email, just in case the reader doesn’t scroll down further into the message.

Don’t Overlook the Subject Line
Oftentimes, the subject line is the last thing someone adds to an email blast. Most email marketing experts will spend as much time crafting the subject line as they do writing the content of the actual email. It’s that important. It must be simple, clear and concise, yet engaging enough for someone to want to open the email.

Track the Email Blast
Preparing the email blast is just half of the battle. Once you send it out, you have to track it thoroughly. This will make a huge difference for future email campaigns. Over time, you can determine what days and times are best to send out email blasts to your particular customer base. You can see which topics generate the most response. You’ll basically be able to know what is working and what is not. This allows you to make strategic adjustments and get the most out of any subsequent mailings.

These are just a few of the most important strategies you’ll want to utilize when preparing, sending and tracking an email blast to your customers. Trying to do this all on your own can be a lot to take on, which is why Red Mallard exists. Let our team help craft and create email campaigns and other online marketing strategies for your business. To learn more about our services, contact us today.

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