Every business must stay top-of-mind with their customers, but most companies either do not know where to start or lack the time and talent to market well. So, what’s the secret sauce? By now, it’s no secret: original content and digital marketing. If you are still on the fence about whether or not you should look at marketing your business online, check out your biggest competitors and see what they’re doing that you’re not. Here are a few things you can look for:

  • Do they have a fresh, responsive (mobile friendly) website?
  • Are they active on social media, like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram?
  • Are they producing lots of content and sending out consistent email newsletters?

There are many ways effective ways to stay top of mind, like great customer service and dependable products and services. However, in order to get ahead—or even just sustain—adding in some ongoing digital marketing services will help you see the results and make sense of your marketing dollar.

Here are a few marketing techniques that will help you stay “top of mind” the next time your customers need to make a purchase or when they’re asked for a referral to a company like yours:

1. Email your contact list regularly.
In today’s digital world, email still plays a vital role in how we communicate. According to Statista, 34 percent of Americans report checking their email more than ten times per day. So, what better way to get in front of your clients than by sending them helpful emails on a regular basis?
Whether it’s to send industry-related news, announce an event, or send educational content, it’s always a good idea to be consistent and purposeful in the email blasts you send. A digital marketing agency (cough, like Red Mallard) can help strategize the perfect email marketing set-up for your business.

2. Deliver problem-solving content.
Did we mention educational and helpful? Yes, we did. When strategizing content, always think about the end-user and what their needs are. It’s great to create a beautiful white paper or blog post; but if the content does not address their needs or a target a pain-point, you will miss an opportunity to make a connection. By creating content that addresses – or better yet, fixes – your client’s problems, you’ll have a better chance at being remembered as a resource they can count on.

3. Encourage employees to share on social media.
Whether we like it or not, social media is a part of everyday life for most of us. And so it probably sounds simple enough to turn your LinkedIn company profile page with less than 50 followers into a revenue-generating machine, right? Wrong. Simply posting updates on these channels will not get you the traction you’re looking for.

Take things up a notch and ask employees to share your company’s posts on their individual social media channels, like LinkedIn or Facebook. Doing so gives your company a personal connection to new customers and you can identify passionate people within your company. Think of it this way: it’s well known that referrals are always the best way to gain new business. By having employees share your business page and/or posts on their personal social media accounts, it might be one of the best digital referral you didn’t know you could get!


Need help implementing these digital strategies to keep your business top-of-mind with your customers? Give us a call at 657-258-0015 or send us an email at info@redmallard.com for more information about our digital marketing services.

Red Mallard is a marketing agency in Orange County, California specializing in branding, content strategy, and digital marketing.


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