You’ve done it. After countless sips of coffee and sentence rearrangements, you’ve managed to craft a perfectly thought-out email. After sending it off to Cyberland, you wait, and wait…and wait. Days go by and you’ve received no engagement.

We all know that feeling.

Email marketing has a lot of room for creating growth, yet so many people struggle with leveraging its full potential. In this post, we’ve decided to share five ways to improve your email marketing campaigns.

1. Evoke emotion with subject lines.
The average working individual receives 121 emails each day. Some people receive more, some receive less, but regardless, that’s a lot of messages to sift through.The folks on your list aren’t much different. That’s why it’s so important to grab your reader’s attention with a catchy subject line. If you get people to feel something – whether it’s curiosity, excitement or joy – they’re more likely to open your email. Improve Your Email Marketing Results with These Tips list building lead generation email marketing digital marketing CRM automation

2. Tell a story.
Along with captivating your readers with a catchy subject line, getting them to keep reading is just as important. Storytelling is an effective way to provoke feelings from your recipient in order to generate an action. The best part? There’s no flashy sales pitch required.

3. Build rapport with welcome emails.
When people are added to your email list, it’s important to establish a foundation of trust from the start. This is where welcome emails become a crucial part of your email automation system. By sending a welcome email, you’re letting your recipient know what content they will be receiving, how often they’ll receive it and how they can reach you. Make sure to send your welcome emails immediately after a signup – that’s when your business is still top of mind.

4. Segment your lists.
As you grow your email list, you can start to segment your contacts by factors such as demographic information, purchase history, and more. According to DMA, segmented email campaigns drive a 760 percent increase in revenue when compared to one-size-fits-all campaigns. By segmenting your lists, you can ensure that relevant content is sent to the right people.

5. Have a clear CTA.
Remember, the average person receives many emails each day, so it’s important to have a clear call-to-action (CTA). If your recipient doesn’t understand what you want them to do within seconds of reading your email, they will most likely delete it. Whether it’s filling out a form, following you on social media or buying a product, make your CTA prominent.

Overwhelmed? We get it – taking care of email marketing on your own can be challenging. But not to worry, Red Mallard is here to help. As a digital marketing agency, we will work with your team to strategize and implement a thoughtful email marketing plan for your business. Give us a call at 657-258-0015 or email us at for more information about our digital marketing services.

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