To keep growing, construction companies need niche marketing and an advocate who keenly understands their business. In helping specialty builders and general contractors expand, Red Mallard has observed three key focal points businesses in this industry can use to gain a competitive edge, establish trust, and retain clients:

The construction industry’s big three:

Showcase expertise in a sea of competitors
Without steady growth, a construction business will fail. Focus on establishing your brand as the ideal option for empowered buyers. Visibility is key. If people have to dig to find you, they won’t: content marketing positions you for discovery.
Clear, customer-centric communication
Whether serving consumers or sophisticated commercial clients, construction firms live or die by the quality of their customer service. Proactive communication is vital to fostering trust. Focus on marketing communications to make data-driven decisions, accountability, and efficiency possible.
Employee retention and celebration
When your employees share your vision and values, they carry your brand with pride. Celebrating the team, highlighting culture, and deepening brand recognition all let your team know they are respected and valued. Better productivity and a thriving company culture will drive growth.

Proud strategic partners of the following construction companies:

Client Success Story

Supporting the Local Construction Industry’s Financial Backbone

Client Success Story

Supporting the Local Construction Industry’s Financial Backbone

Your success in mind, from beginning to end

Content marketing is a creative process. We are your humble guides through each phase of the journey, working closely with you to unlock the full potential of your expertise.
We do our homework—developing a master content marketing plan is only possible after evaluating your current efforts, objectives, SEO and competitor analyses, and market positioning.
Red Mallard has assembled a team of talented writers with broad experience writing copy for businesses like yours—but creation doesn't have to begin (or end) with copy. We're also experts in video, web content, and other mediums.
Choosing where your content lives is as important as the content itself. We'll show you which channels are best suited to reach your ideal audience. We take it a step further by handling all distribution for you.
Performance insights inform every phase of content marketing—it's an ongoing cycle. We believe in data-driven decisions. To give you the best return on your investment, we track, analyze, and optimize your content's performance.
The best marketing remains nimble—our strategy is never set in stone. Rather, we stay on top of industry trends to give you consistently fresh marketing materials.

Welcome to the flock.

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