A couple weeks ago, actor Kevin Spacey (House of Cards, American Beauty) was a highly-anticipated speaker at the Content Marketing World 2014 convention. So what does Kevin Spacey have to do with content marketing? We wondered the same thing, and so did Kevin Spacey.

The answer: he knows stories, and the people want stories.

“The story is everything, which means it’s our jobs to tell better stories,” he said in his key note address. He broke it down into three parts: conflict, authenticity, and audience.

“Conflict keeps people engaged in your story,” Spacey said. This means taking risks in your business. You can’t guarantee the risk will turn out how you want, but no matter what you can guarantee that, even if you fail, people will commend you for trying and think highly of your business.

This one should go without saying, but be honest. This can mean a few things. First, establish a trust with your audience. If you promise something in your advertising, follow through. It also means not being fake. Audiences—whether it’s readers of your blog or your clients—are getting good at being able to tell when someone isn’t being genuine. If they feel you aren’t authentic, they aren’t going to trust your brand.

Know your audience. It’s in every single marketing and blogging book out there, but it’s true. If you can’t cater specifically to your audience, how are they supposed to keep coming back? Spacey related this to the television show “Game of Thrones.” When you have such a following, but don’t make it readily available, you get “the No. 1 pirated show in the history of the medium.”

With these three things in mind, it might be time to change the attitude of your business’s content marketing. At Red Mallard, we want to make sure your business and content have all three parts of the story. Contact us for more information on how to make this possible.

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