An opine by John Welches

Twice in the last two weeks I’ve had prospects tell me they’re the best kept secret in town. 

Now, why would they say that? 

Two entirely different industries and customers. Two entirely different business owners. One very real belief that they’re that good, that special, that unique. Now, I’m not disputing they’re amazingness, their top-notch service, or their commitment to excellence.

But, I wonder: Who wants to be the best kept secret in town? 

Two Questions  

Question One: Is that you? 
Do you believe that what you’re doing is irreplaceable, non duplicatable, and completely free of carbon copy? 

Question Two: If that is you, then why are you keeping it a secret? 
If what makes you “the best kept secret” is so amazing, then why on earth would you perpetuate that secret? 

What do you have to gain from sharing this with a world that is full of your ideal clients? “Full?” you ask? Yes, full. If it wasn’t full, then why’d you pick it?

You are doing yourself a disservice by keeping the world at bay with the solutions you provide, the counsel you bestow, and the harnessing of power you have to propel others forward. 

If you think you’re the best kept secret in town, then you’re doing business all wrong. 

So, now what? Why on earth would you keep your best kept secret a secret in this bat-crap crazy year of 2020? My goodness…what do you have to lose? 

Five Steps to Change the Course of Your Business and Embrace Your 2020 
  1. Embrace your story and start sharing it. You’re in this spot for a reason, good or bad. Don’t dwell on anything from the woulda coulda shoulda days and proceed. And you, the one who’s resting on laurels…get off of em and set a new goal: move into that territory, target a new niche, make a new product.
  2. Write 12 things you do well and how well you’ve done them. We call these case studies or success stories. What do you call them: Your first 12-month content strategy for business expansion.
  3. Now, setup a content calendar. “What’s that?” you ask? It’s a way to organize these stories into months, weeks and days. 
  4. Get the content prepped for distribution. For example:
    • Case Study gets written and posted to your website on the first Wednesday of the month.
    • The following Friday, Sunday, Tuesday (whenever!) that case study gets emailed out to all your people. (Don’t have a way to do that? Call me and I’ll walk you through it.)
    • Review that case study and pull out all the little tidbits, facts, stats, and inspiring quotes that make it great and turn those into posts for LinkedIn and Facebook and link back to the article. 
  5.  Review the email report and call or email the people who clicked to go to the article. Don’t worry…it won’t be that many but you might be surprised by who engaged. 

Things are changing all the time. Life is full and complex, requiring us to think and act and consider other points of view all the time. Let your story be the lifeblood of your business and the way you bring love and inspiration to others.

Don’t keep it a secret. Otherwise, nobody will know. 

Red Mallard is ready to help you broadcast the right stories to your audience. Don’t keep your expertise a secret. Let’s share it with the right folks.

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