Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, my wife and I decided to redo the floors in our house. Our existing floors were covered with tile from the late ’70s that will never develop a vintage charm. We wanted a fresh look.

Being the DIY types, we decided to lay the new floor ourselves. Vinyl plank is easy to put down and idiot-proof enough to accommodate our amateur construction skills. We knew to expect some disruption. After all, every room in the house would have to be emptied; we’d need all new baseboard moldings; and some carpet would need to come out.

Oh, the secrets carpet keeps.

Knowing when content marketing needs a refresh

Quarantine has given us ample opportunity to tackle the floor project. We’ve spent a lot of time on our now-aching knees, learning just how uneven our home’s concrete slab really is, and occasionally smashing our fingers with a hammer. It was all a welcome distraction from what was happening “out there.”

As a writer, I’m always on the lookout for useful metaphors. Now that the floor project is coming together and looking good, it strikes me that the content marketing work we do at Red Mallard bears a strong resemblance to home improvement. 

A recent project involved a website redesign for a company with a long history that hadn’t put much effort into its online presence. Its old site, designed in the early aughts, was profoundly outdated. The leadership team knew their site wasn’t generating business and worried they might even be losing business because of it.

A bit like the tile in my house, it was time for a change.

Let the experts do the work

Clients will often approach a website project with mixed feelings: on the one hand, it’s nice to have a clean, fresh look and feel. On the other hand, it sounds daunting and time-consuming. What’s more, a new website requires new content. Who has time to write blogs every week? 

Businesses like our client rarely want to take the DIY approach. It’s not exactly like replacing a floor—building a website doesn’t involve sore knees and crushed fingers, but it’s still a lot of work. For someone who lacks the necessary technical expertise, design chops, and writing talent, even building a fairly simple website can require a significant time commitment.

That’s where Red Mallard comes in. Think of us as the contractor who takes the reins on the challenging aspects of website and content development. We’ve done it all before, and we have the team and tools to build modern, sleek, comprehensive sites. 

Just as important: we understand business. Every industry has its own style. Using the right words is just the start. A business must project consistent branding and a clear message its customers and colleagues will respond to. It needs to take full advantage of social media channels where key people are engaging with one another, like LinkedIn. In short, businesses need comprehensive content strategies to achieve their goals. It’s critical to find a partner who can work with you to craft your content into unique stories to which your team, clients, and prospects will respond. 

How’s your business’s website? Looking a little worn, a little dated? If your last blog post was in 2019,  give Red Mallard a shout. We’ve got the team and the resources you need to refresh your look for today’s marketplace.

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