Building a strong email marketing list isn’t easy. Despite what you’ve been told, there is no simple solution. However, there are proven strategies you can implement and plans you can follow to build a great email list. When you have a quality list of emails and a dynamic email marketing campaign, you can increase your opt-in rates, generate more business leads and decrease the number of those who unsubscribe.

Below, you will find some of the best tips for building a more effective email list.

  1. Make Signing Up Easy
    It’s simple: If a customer doesn’t see where to sign up, that’s one less potential subscriber on your list. Email opt-ins should be clear and prominent throughout your website and marketing pieces. Look for every opportunity to include an opt-in for readers to engage with your company.
  1. Think a Little Old-Fashioned
    Because email is a digital marketing avenue, it’s often thought that email addresses can only be gathered online – however, that is not the case. In fact, you can gather plenty of emails in traditional ways. Ask for an email address when you meet with people in person or encourage email opt-ins on direct mail and other print materials. Your email list should be an essential part of your entire marketing campaign.
  1. Offer Incentives
    One of the best ways to gather emails is to offer something of value. Users will most often provide an email when they want to download a white paper, enter a contest, join a club, schedule an appointment or watch a video. Giving your visitors a compelling reason to opt in is a great way to build your email list.
  1. Utilize Point of Purchase
    If you have a retail store, restaurant or other business that requires in-person transactions, ask for an email address at the point of purchase. Think about setting up a rewards club for special discounts or a coupon newsletter as a way to create an email list. You’ll be amazed at how many emails you can get just by asking your customers.
  1. Use Social Media
    Odds are, most people following your business on your social media pages are already fans. These are past customers or people interested in your offerings, so make a push on social media – say, through a contest – where people can click-through to your site and sign up with an email address.
  1. Remember Key Email Marketing Strategies
    Now that you have a good list to send emails to, the first key point is to send quality emails. Remember, you want people to open your messages and take action. Second is quantity: refrain from sending too many emails – no more than two per week – to prevent new opt-ins from unsubscribing. Lastly, make the email subject lines compelling and the messages engaging. Read our recent blog on how to write an intriguing subject line to help get you started. Understanding your audience’s needs is crucial in delivering the right email to generate engagement and revenue.
  1. Test and Study Results
    Have you tried sending out test messages or alternating between subject lines to different groups? Which day of the week do people open their emails the most? If you haven’t already done so, test your engagement – see which subject lines generate better responses and track open-rates and click-through rates. These results will help craft quality emails, reduce unsubscribes, and keep your email marketing list as strong as possible.

When used properly, email marketing is a great tool for gaining long-term engagement and profit. Our team at Red Mallard is skilled at creating content to drive traffic to your business. Contact us today to schedule your next email marketing consultation.


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